• You can experience our music not only on live gigs. You may also listen to recordings which we produced over the past years with loving detail, in order to provide you with different options of musical enjoyment

    Our CDs
    Rot Rot
    Galizianer Tants
    Swing 2012

    2023: Absinto Orkestra Deluxe mit Gadjo Horns&Drums ist unser Jubiläumsalbum, bei dem wir neben der Brassmaschinerie auch Lulo Reinhardt, Caro Trischler, Mira Bernzott und Thomas Rohoska. Und als Erinnerung ist noch unser kleines Lockdown-Schmankerl auf dem Album gelandet. Ein großer Dank geht an Winnie mit seinem Label exo10, Marcellus für die starken Nerven während der Aufnahmen in seinem Studio Team17audio, Magda mit Hear Candy für das Mastering, und Kai Schmidt für Artwork und Ideen! Unsere roteste, dickste, längste und teuerste Platte, die wir je hergestellt haben. Es hat sich gelohnt!

    Leeheim Leeheim (Live) feat. Joscho Stephan
    Luna Luna
    Jovana Jovanke
    Girls, Girls, Girls

    Recorded in 2016, released in 2017: We recorded a live CD with some contributions of guest musicians in order to bring the atmosphere of absinto live gigs on CD. Besides Joscho Stephan we were suported by Lea and Marina Antunovic, Mira Bernzott and Thomas Rohoska. Many thanks to BüchnerBühne for providing the concert hall and for taking care of us so well Team17audio für den Live- und CD-Sound, Gadjo Records for relieving us from organizational bits and bobs, also many thanks to Roland Wedel for the light during the concert (not on CD) and to our audience – it would have been lonely without you!

    # Gadje
    Wohin die Reise geht
    Sieben Sachen
    Baina Banal
    Fuli Tschai

    In 2010 we released the album "Gadje", which means "the ones who don't belong" in the language of the Roma. It took us quite some time in the sound studio of our former string bass player Hans Bender. He owns our recently used label "Gadjo Records". The album is a cross section throughout the Absinto universe with a very neat sound, some nice german lyrics and mostly important: with our summer hit per se "Komme was da wolle" (come what may). Also we were confirmed by trusted sources tha a double load of this CD is able to exhaust kids up to six years old, so that they peacefully go to sleep after heearing.

    # Schwarze Augen (Black eyes)
    Die Chauffeurin
    Schwarze Augen
    Die Grüne Fee

    Recorded in the sound studio Schweinestall (that means pigsty) it clearly reveals how Absinto was initially characterized by the accordion, beeing a melody and a harmony instrument simultaneosly. The album recalls the traditional folklore of East Europeans, but also sticks with Absinto-special traits.

    # Vogels Hochzeit (Vogel's wedding)
    Ich weiß...
    Lunas Welt
    Da liegst Du nun...

    The debut album of the Absinto Orkestra comprises the origins. The compositions explicitly written for a theater play by Kai Schmidt were partly pieces of the oevre and some were background music for the story line. The instrumentation is quite unfamiliar for absinto-connoisseurs, though it does have a certain recognition value.

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